Ashley Jhaveri's profile

I'm Not Dead Yet! A Tribute

My dad had ALS for 7 years. He was the life of every party, the comedian in every situation, and the most vibrant person I've known. Towards the end of his journey, he was getting pretty bummed, but he kept a really good sense of humor about his situation. In tribute to him, I made this thing, sort of a placeholder invitation to his "Celebration of Life". It uses his own drawings, his own handwriting, obviously his photograph, and the quote from Monty Python we threw around the most: I'm not dead yet! You may notice the subtle grids - he was an engineer in his prime - and the argyle pattern in the background - he wore this one sweater a lot. 

So hey - kind of a morbid project, I suppose, but it was fun and it made my dad smile. Mission accomplished. 
I'm Not Dead Yet! A Tribute

I'm Not Dead Yet! A Tribute
